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God Is With Us

Lads to Leaders - SYG

Our theme this year at L2L is based on Joshua 1:6 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This is just one verse, but there are others. The Bible teaches us in other places that we are supposed to be strong in the Lord and courageous. In fact, the word “strong” is found 254x, the word “courage” is found 28x, and the word “afraid” is found 214x. How can we be strong, have courage, and not be afraid? We look to Jesus!

When I think about that I think about Jesus on the cross. They nailed His hands to the wooden cross. This was not a nice sanded and smooth cross. There were probably splinters in the wood. The Bible tells us that they pierced His hands and feet. This means blood dripped from His hands, His feet, His head, and His back. He was in tremendous pain, and He could have ended it at any moment. All that He had to do was say the word and ten thousand angels would have been to His side. But He went to the cross because He loved us and wants us to go to Heaven. He wants to wash all of our sins away.

Jesus was aware of His mission. He intended on doing God’s will no matter what the cost. He was prepared to endure the cross. Matthew 26:39 says, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” This was the human part of Jesus was crying out for help but He knew it was God’s will. So He went to the cross anyway.

Even in the face of death Jesus also had the compassion to save one of the thieves next to Him. He told him that he would be in Paradise. He also thought of His mother and His friend John. This is a great example for us. We need to look around us to see who needs courage and lift them up.

God needs courageous people, like Joshua who was willing to face the giants in the Promised Land. He also needs disciples that will have the same boldness. Let’s be strong, brave, courageous and not be afraid. God is with us!

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