There's a place for YOU here at Summerdale!
Our approach to teaching and training the next generation might be considered radical. Rather than offering two separated worship services on Sunday, we have empowered our parents and teachers to have another Bible class for the little ones. This means that your K-5th grade student will get 3 opportunities for age appropriate Bible study. Twice on Sunday (9AM & 5 PM) and again on Wednesday (6:30PM). This offers our children three distinctly different times to learn more from God's word.
SonShine Studies are every Sunday night at 5PM! Have your children join us in the assembly for a brief devotional followed by a 'pew packers' or VBS style class. Contact our Youth & Family Minister, Brandon Foster for any questions about our youth!
We have a vibrant, exciting group of teenagers led by Eric Whittle our Youth & Family Minister. We have teenagers that come from Foley, Robertsdale, Summerdale, Fairhope, and Elberta. While we do our best to learn as much as possible about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we also have a lot of fun together. We are also heavily involved in Lads 2 Leaders/Junior Leaders.
Our goal, as the Summerdale Church of Christ Youth Ministry, has three points. We want to develop: Christians who are reliant on God, Christians who can recognize the right thing to do and have the courage to do it, and Christians who understand the importance of family, both earthly and spiritual. Every activity we plan, whether it's a devotional, a retreat, a movie night, or a trip to OWA, will be aimed at reaching at least one, if not all, of these points.
Young Adult Christians Healing Together. This group is made up of college age, single, young professional and young adults. We have a terrific class on Sunday morning. We are heavily involved in many of the ministries here at Summerdale. We have events and trips together. We are also serving in the youth ministry, the children's ministry, our worship services, and our teaching ministry. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry contact Ray Reynolds.
Our Rock 'n' Rollers seem to defy stereotypes all the time. We're not completely composed of retirees, not completely composed of empty nesters. We are a group of seasoned (some more, some less) Christians enjoying opportunities to serve God and fellowship with other strong and faithful Christians. We will periodically have lunch together after Bible school on Wednesday morning. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry contact Benn Keevan.
Women have needs and challenges unique to their Christian walk. As we examine these needs, we see the immense importance of developing a thriving women’s ministry. We have regular ladies day events, participate in the Secret Sister program and are involved in nearly every facet of the church work. We also offer an emotionally safe environment for single moms and widows. Please contact Misty Reynolds if you would like to participate in this ministry.
We are the home of the Getting To Know Your Bible international television program with Billy Lambert. We always need volunteers to grade Bible Correspondence Courses, send out prayer letters, contact other congregations and help with collecting tracts. More information can be found on the GTKTB website. Please contact Sandy Daugherty to find out how you can volunteer in this ministry! Be sure to visit our YouTube page.

We need van drivers for services on Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, Wednesday Morning and Wednesday Night. Drivers are rotated on a monthly basis. If you can help in this ministry please contact Wayne Herring or let Christy Gill know ASAP.

The Brother's Keeper program is a ministry designed to give members a chance to visit in each other's homes. The church family is divided into groups led by the elders and deacons. Those groups are changed yearly. It was temporarily postponed due to Covid-19. We will resume a slightly new version of this program soon that will enable us to continue our regular fellowships together!

There are opportunities to serve by providing a meal during times of illness, loss of loved one, surgeries, etc. We can also collect gift cards gas cards, and/or other related items to provide to those in need. Please contact Diane Keevan if you would like to help in this ministry.

Cindy Hatcher ( AL, MFT, ASSOC, MS, AADC) is an experienced, licensed Mental Health Professional, Marriage & Family Therapist, Addiction & Substance Abuse Counselor. She has an office conveniently located in our administrative building. Cindy specializes in relationship issues, anger management, and anxiety. Contact her today to overcome the challenges you are facing (251-263-3100).